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Buy Lenvatinib 4mg now

  What is it for? Thyroid cancer is a cancer of the thyroid, the butterfly-shaped gland at the base of the neck. The cause of thyroid cancer is poorly understood but may involve a combination of genetic and environmental factors. Some people have no symptoms. Others may notice a lump in the neck. Treatments, which are usually successful, include surgery, hormone therapy, radioactive iodine, radiation and in some cases chemotherapy. When radioactive iodine therapy is no longer beneficial in treatment, it can be said that cancer has become advanced or progressive.  Lenvatinib 4mg  or Lenvima 4mg Capsule is composed of the active ingredient Lenvatinib which are indicated for such progressive or advanced thyroid cancer. Anaplastic Thyroid Carcinoma (Advanced thyroid cancer) usually occurs in patients above 60 years of age. It is characterized by an enlarged and hard thyroid gland and hoarseness in the voice due to paralysis of the nerve in the voice box. Hepatocellular carcin...