Xeljanz - MrMed
Xeljanz can be described as an anti-inflammatory drug that is used in treating Rheumatoid arthritis, Psoriatic Arthritis, and Ulcerative Colitis. Rheumatoid arthritis or RA is an autoimmune, inflammatory condition that occurs when your immune system is able to attack healthy cells within the body because of dysfunction or malfunction in their function. This leads to swelling (painful and swelling) of the affected parts within the human body. RA is primarily a problem with joints, where they expand and become stiff, painful and eventually lead to the total loss of function joints. Psoriatic arthritis is a disease that can affect patients who have already been diagnosed with Psoriasis (it is an illness that causes red, itchy patches are visible on the scalp and the skin). A lot of people suffering from the illness suffer from stiffness in the morning. Skin psoriasis that is mild can be accompanied by significant arthritis. Ulcerative Colitis...